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Dog Behaviourist Training by Kay 9 

We have a fabulous group of volunteers at our kennels in Hertfordshire who dedicate their time to walking and spending time with our dogs and had a lovely treat last Friday afternoon (just before the rain arrived! ) when Kay, one of our fabulous behaviourists, came to visit us and spent time giving us tips and answering questions.

A rescue kennels is full of so many different types of dogs and one of the things we wanted to do was get a better understanding of their individual behaviours and needs and learn how we can help them. Kay gave us some fantastic tips and we topped off our afternoon with tea and homemade cakes! One of her boredom busting idea was ‘pass the parcel’ - here’s resident Zeus, trying to find his treat reward from a cardboard box - it definitely kept him busy! We are really looking forward to getting inventive and trying out new things with the dogs.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Kay for her time. If you are in need of behavioural advice, please see the link to her Facebook page & website below:

Ronnie's Happy Ever After

We love Happy Ever Afters at RATS and have a pawsome story from Ronnie for you:

"My name is Ronnie and the lovely R.A.T.S. Team found me my new hoomans. Just to let you all know, they are treating me very well! They keep feeding me and playing with me and I even have a new brother who I chase around and jump all over ... but I really love him. He's big and fluffy and his name is Reggie.

I enjoy trashing the house when my hoomans are not looking and if I'm really lucky and I look at them with my loving eyes, my fluffy brother gets the blame ha ha. I'm now allowed in the garden - it was scary at first but Reggie looked after me.

Anyway best go now as I can hear the treats pac
ket being shaken and I need to get there before Reggie ... he knows I'm the boss really. Thank you to the R.A.T.S. Team for my amazing hoomans and big brother.

Love Ronnie"


Ronnie (on the left) and Reggie (on the right)

Rex's Holiday in the Lake District 

Here are a few photos of Rex from his recent holiday to the Lake District!

Rex now likes water (after previously hating the rain) and had a lot of fun splashing around in the rivers.


He is also still doing really well on his walks and enjoys taking things out to carry with him.

His Mummy Becky told us that he got lots of yummy treats when he returned home because he was such a good boy on the trip - we were so happy to hear that he had a great time and really enjoyed himself!

Introduce mandatory neutering of pet cats


As a rescue, we are committed to support the reduction in the number of strays and abandoned animals in the UK. Britain’s reputation as animal lovers is slipping; rescues are overwhelmed with applications to surrender because people don’t have the time or money to look after their pet. Catteries and kennels are full to bursting with pets that haven’t been neutered and the number of un-homed kittens in particular, is growing at an alarming rate. Cats roam and their ability, if un-neutered, to reproduce whilst out and about, is impacting on rescues throughout the UK.


Please can we ask you to take a moment to support this campaign for the mandatory neutering of pet cats and sign the petition posted below:


We thank you for your support.

Bruce Update


Beautiful Bruce was just a baby at only six months old when he came into our care through no fault of his own. Tragically he was a victim of over-breeding which created numerous painful joint issues for him, cherry eye and sometimes regurgitating food if eating too fast.  Here's a Bruce update from his new foster pawrents!  

“Reggie and Bruce are starting to become friends, although we try not to leave them alone for too long as they have a had a few disagreements (mainly due to Bruce trying to hump Reggie, unsuccessfully), but largely it’s been very amicable and they look for each other in the morning now, which is very sweet. Bruce is a lovely little thing, although he does have a feisty and rather spirited side to him. He’s starting to learn some house rules and manners and is just getting used to having a routine. I think it’s been a lot for him to take in and everything seems like a new experience so he’s learning all the time.

He’s slept beautifully, not making a sound at all at night and loves the canvas crate/basket he sleeps in. He’s eating well, we put him on a raw diet and he already looks like he’s gained a little bit of weight and he loves the food. He’s a little possessive of his food but again we’re trying to teach him some manners! We’ve also had no reflux issues at all. He’s also been on a daily walk with Reggie, only gentle and mainly on grass but I’ve already noticed that he seems stronger and a little more robust - he’s enjoyed being outside. Overall a positive week, lots of progress made and he’s enjoying all the cuddles and fuss. He feels part of the family already.”

We are overjoyed to hear Bruce is doing so well and making such huge progress!! We are continuing to raise money for a much-needed neurologist assessment for Bruce's painful joints. If you would like to make a contribution, or leave a message of support to spur us on, please visit his page at:

We love you RATS family. We couldn’t help these dear animals without your kindness and generosity! Thank you so much for helping us to make such a difference.

Fabulous Marshal

Many of you will remember beautiful Dalmatian Marshal, who came into our care at the end of last year after being saved from euthanasia. 


We are as happy as a dog with two tails to announce that Marshal was adopted by our behaviourist, Fabulous Finn's Dave Wardell!!! Dave began working with Marshal straight away to reduce his anxieties and guarding issues and fell head over heels in love with him.


Marshal is now living his very best life with the Wardell family in Cornwall and we couldn’t be happier.


We miss you Marshal, but are so happy for you!!

Willow's Happy Ever After


We all love a Happy Ever After story, so we were delighted to receive this update from Cheeto, owners! (Cheeto was previously known as Willow.)

“Cheeto has been living with us for three weeks now and has settled in so so well. She’s eating well and runs to the kitchen if she hears someone in there - always hopeful for a meaty stick treat!

Cheeto doesn’t like being left alone and follows us from room to room. At night, she sleeps on our bedroom windowsill!

She’s very playful and loves the laser chaser! We’re so happy to have her living with us. She is the cat we’ve been looking for.”

We couldn’t have wished for a better update and we are over the moon for Cheeto and her new owners. We wish Cheeto lots more happiness for the future in her furever home!

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