We have a fabulous group of volunteers at our kennels in Hertfordshire who dedicate their time to walking and spending time with our dogs and had a lovely treat last Friday afternoon (just before the rain arrived! ) when Kay, one of our fabulous behaviourists, came to visit us and spent time giving us tips and answering questions.
A rescue kennels is full of so many different types of dogs and one of the things we wanted to do was get a better understanding of their individual behaviours and needs and learn how we can help them. Kay gave us some fantastic tips and we topped off our afternoon with tea and homemade cakes! One of her boredom busting idea was ‘pass the parcel’ - here’s resident Zeus, trying to find his treat reward from a cardboard box - it definitely kept him busy! We are really looking forward to getting inventive and trying out new things with the dogs.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Kay for her time. If you are in need of behavioural advice, please see the link to her Facebook page & website below: