Have you ever wondered what it’s like to foster a cat or kitten?
Fostering for the RATS cat section is a rewarding opportunity to provide a temporary, safe, and loving home to the cats and kittens we rehome. Sophie and Joe recently reached out to offer a temporary home to two kittens from a recent litter we rescued. This was their first experience of fostering and so we asked them to share their story.
Lulu and Lemons story
“We fostered Lulu and Lemon to help RATS out and it was also a good test to see how our cat would react to the idea of not being the only one. Within two days, they were both showing so much confidence and affection. I have never known kittens to purr as much as they do. They are so playful and loved human interaction immediately. After a week of being in one of our rooms, we decided to let them explore the house. Straight away they found the blankets on the bed and the rest was history. Our cat joined in on their tumbles and chases and it was so lovely to see them all playing and learning how to fit in with each other. Lulu was adopted after three weeks of us fostering and we kept Lemon. Lemon has been such a beautiful addition to the family, she puts herself to bed every night and wakes us up every morning with a snuggle.”
Is fostering demanding?
“Our volunteer who arranged everything, Alex, was incredible. She was always at the end of a call and text if we wanted/needed her. Alex and RATS provided all the food, litter and knowledge.”
Would you recommend fostering to others?
“We recommend anyone who has a small space in their house to give fostering a go as all the animal wants is a safe and warm space. Fostering really didn’t involve much work at all. We really loved it and will definitely do it again.”
Fostering for the RATS Cat Section
Are you ready to open your heart and home? Here’s what you need to get started:
You must be 18 years old or older
You must have a safe and cozy home to offer for a few weeks - or as long as you’re able to help! Cats should be kept indoors, and preferably have a spare room to retreat to when needed
You must be able to take care of the cats or kittens day-to-day needs
Transport to take the cats to vet appointments is ideal but not essential - if you don’t have a car our other volunteers can always help
No need to worry about costs - we’ve got you covered with food, litter, and supplies
Ongoing support is available throughout from our cat team volunteers
Whether you’re a seasoned cat lover or new to the world of fostering, we’d love to have you on board. If you are interested in becoming a fosterer or would like to find out more, we would love to hear from you!
Please email info@rats-animalrescue.co.uk and one of the team will be in touch.